This chapter provides an overview of the criticism of the Anthropocene narrative, especially its 'human species' narrative. It takes a closer look at the relationships between income, consumption, material resource usage and emissions. The chapter suggests that some future transition and transformation scenarios for the identified classes, which would be some of the first steps in moving towards degrowth and post-growth futures, thereby reducing some of the negative impacts exerted by the Anthropocene. It argues that a class analysis might help in re-politicizing the debate on ecological sustainability and social justice, with an emphasis on the massive environmental damage caused by the wealthy minority. Understanding era as the Plutocene could foster political analysis, which could improve the chances of challenging the vested interests and business-as-usual attitude, which stand in the way of moving towards a post-fossil economy and post-growth futures. The chapter draws some conclusions on why a class perspective could re-politicize the sustainability debate within this new epoch.