Sterilization is a process by which the biological or nonbiological material is made free from living micro-organisms. It is a complete destruction of all living organisms by physical or chemical agents. The material needed in a research laboratory, particularly glassware and other accessories such as forceps, inoculating needles, and filter papers, need sterilization to make them microbe-free. The common methods of sterilization includes dry heat sterilization, steam under pressure sterilization, filter sterilization, and Ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Sterilization of glassware is achieved by dry heat sterilization. Hot air sterilization is done in a hot air sterilizer or hot air oven. Materials such as certain sugars are destroyed by heating at temperatures normally used for sterilization. The process of heat treatment should be continued for at least five days or more to attain proper sterilization. The working platform and the environment or space in the working platform is sterilized by UV radiation.