The Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale-Global Rating Method (SCORS-G) is a clinician rated measure that can be used to code various forms of narrative material. It is comprised of eight dimensions which are scored using a seven-point Likert scale, where lower scores are indicative of more pathological aspects of object representations and higher scores are suggestive of more mature and adaptive functioning. The volume is a comprehensive reference on the 1) validity and reliability of the SCORS-G rating system; 2) in depth review of the empirical literature; 3) administration and intricacies of scoring; and 4) the implications and clinical utility of the system across settings and disciplines for clinicians and researchers.

part I|34 pages

History and Empirical Research

chapter 1|14 pages


chapter 2|20 pages

Empirical Research on the SCORS-G

A Review

part II|163 pages


chapter 4|17 pages

Affective Quality of Representations (AFF)

chapter 7|20 pages

Understanding of Social Causality (SC)

chapter 9|17 pages

Self-Esteem (SE)

chapter 10|16 pages

Identity and Coherence of Self (ICS)

chapter 11|10 pages

Tying it all Together

Effective Strategies for Scoring

chapter 12|9 pages

Practice Narratives

part III|49 pages

Clinical Applications