Max Muller explicitly viewed the new studies of religion as aids to Christian apologetic, but an apologetic of a new sort. Muller's argument on caste was the least welcome part of his teaching to most Protestant missionaries. Earlier Protestant missionaries had, for the most part, believed that the principles of caste were irreconcilably antagonistic to Christian values; Bernard Lucas differs from them, and spells out his understanding of the proper Christian attitude to caste in an article published in 1912. Since 1940 there have been a few missionaries such as Dick Keithahn who have continued the C. F. Andrews tradition of liberal theology and commitment to the Gandhian and national movement while sometimes retaining a rather tenuous link with the organized church. J. D. Maynard was a missionary of the Society of Friends, and, as one would expect, the church played a less significant role in his thought than in that of many other missionaries.