This chapter analyzes Sayeret Haruv – the 'Carob' Reconnaissance Unit operating between 1966 and 1974 as a special unit directly linked to the Central Command of the Israel Defense Forces. It specialized in anti-terrorism, counter-terrorism, and commando missions in the Jordan Valley between the Dead Sea and Sea of Galilee. The most pressing problem facing the unit involved laying ambushes along routes used by terrorists to infiltrate across from Jordan. The emphasis was on killing the terrorists from afar without pointlessly putting the warriors at risk. Armed or hot pursuits were usually more effective than ambushes against terrorists in the Jordan Valley and the West Bank's mountains. Special Operations Forces need mentors to survive and thrive and for many years the unit received support from the Head of the Central Command and the Commander of the Jordan Valley Brigade. The water in the Jordan Valley was so hot that you couldn't take showers and to drink was even harder.