This chapter discusses the power and Jesuit-Catholic leadership. In a leadership compendium with voices of seven Jesuits and Fr. Hesburgh, it is imperative to consider paradigms of Jesuit leadership as well as general values in leadership. The key difference between Ignatius and the absolute monarchs, for Ganss, is that Ignatius included democratic functions and processes in the leadership of the Jesuits. Jesuit leadership centers on a moral compass centered on Christ. Ignatius was a successful diplomat and military leader, and he built his personal confidence and power base, but after a battle in Pamplona, his mind and heart experienced a transformation, which led to a swing from serving the king of Spain to serving and following a universal king, as a pilgrim. The principle and foundation of the Spiritual Exercises, which expresses the overarching Christian outlook of St. Ignatius, is the fundamental ground on which Jesuits discern and decide.