Research has revealed that spermatozoa have a multifunctional role in embryo development that surpasses the simple transmission of the paternal genome. Among the cellular components provided to the oocyte, sperm RNAs have emerged as a field of interest because of their complexity and diversity, leaving behind the consideration of these molecules as mere residual pools of earlier processes. Beyond the relevance of coding RNAs, the different populations of non-coding RNAs have started to be characterized, revealing a strong involvement in cellular regulation and epigenetics. Overall, sperm non-coding RNAs display a wide spectrum of functionalities related to cellular processes as spermatogenesis, fertilization, and embryogenesis. Therefore, this chapter summarizes a general review about the different populations of sperm non-coding RNAs, attending to their biochemical characteristics, functions, biosynthesis processes and biological mechanisms. Also, the implication of these molecules in spermatogenesis and early embryo development is discussed, along with a consideration about their potential value as male fertility biomarkers.