This chapter focuses on the chemical characterization of some mural painting works, in order to establish the more suitable conservation treatments. It also focuses on the chemical characterization of mural painting samples from the "Allegory to work". A mix method including optical microscopy in combination with scanning electron microscopy – X-ray microanalysis (SEM-EDX), is described for the chemical determination of micro samples from the "Allegory to work" mural painting. These microinvasive analytical techniques were to obtain optimum results using the minimum amount of sample. These techniques are selected based on microscopic observation of cross sections for sample under visible light that could provide the color and thickness information of each layer, while SEM-EDX analysis is proved to give elemental compositions of tested area at microscale coating the sample surface with conducting material. Similar structure was detected in the pigmented polychromic samples, generally including the white ground layer, the preparation layer made of gypsum and quartz, and finally, the paint layer.