Reissuing works originally published between 1938 and 1998, this fascinating collection of books on global economics is a superb resource in international politics, finance and industry as well as economic thought and history. Some works look at individual industries or parts of the world while others present a wide view of international policies.

1. International Industry and Business: Structural Change, Industrial Policy and Industry Strategies Robert H. Ballance  2. The Crumbling of Empire: The Disintegration of World Economy Moritz Julius Bonn  3. The International Grain Trade: Problems and Prospects Nick Butler  4. Freedom and Stability in the World Economy Douglas Evans and Richard Body  5. Regionalization and Globalization in the Modern World Economy: Perspectives on the Third World and Transitional Economies Edited by Alex E. Fernández Jilberto and André Mommen  6. Atlas of the World Economy Michael Freeman  7. The International Steel Industry: Restructuring, State Policies and Localities Ray Hudson and David Sadler  8. International Policy for the World Economy James Oliver Newton Perkins