A huge strength of Periscope is its link with Twitter. Indeed, Twitter is really Periscope's driving force. This chapter teaches about the key features of Twitter Go Live and Periscope and how they differ from other apps. Tap the 'slider' icon on the screen to sort the list of Scopes by those suggested by the Periscope curators, or by how recent they are. The Map view is initially on a 'world' view with a red 'hot spot' dot showing current 'live shows', and blue ones which are less than 24 hours old. Tap on the 'speech bubble' icon and the only people who will be able to comment will be the people who we follow. Brands can buy pre-roll advertising on select Periscope video-streams, that are no longer live but still on Twitter, through Twitter's Amplify program. Live videos can also be included in a Twitter Moment, alongside still images and text-tweets.