There's more to live-streaming than Facebook Live, Twitter Go Live, Periscope and YouTube. Indeed, it's becoming quite a crowded space. This chapter provides a list of some of the other live-streaming apps with a brief description of what they are able to do. Some of them: stream within the individual app only; stream to Facebook but do not actually capture or archive video themselves; do not have an app, and only allow us to stream via a desktop. The goal for marketers with live-streams should be to produce a single great live broadcast and attain wide audience as possible while encouraging engagement. Facebook, Twitter and Periscope encourage opening up Application Programming Interface to allow other services to have users stream the video to their account. Most of the software allows us to produce a better viewer experience than the straightforward Facebook Live, Twitter Go Live or Periscope, some of them enabling us to go live from a desktop and incorporate different angles.