This chapter discusses the idea of a prerogative for permissible partiality in nursing care. It discusses partiality and impartiality in clinical priority decisions by using the formal principle of justice. The formal principle of justice states that it is unjust to give different treatment to individuals who are alike in every relevant respect, and to give equal treatment to individuals who are different in some relevant respect. The chapter discusses the implications of taking needs assessments into account when 'relational proximity' is the applied material principle of distributive justice. When there is equality in needs but unequal relational proximity, patients should be treated unequally. The chapter also discusses partiality in light of Nomy Arpaly's notion of moral desirability and praiseworthiness. It addresses the issue of moral dilemmas and tragic choices. The chapter also presents a short note on tragic dilemmas in light of Arpaly's notion of blameworthiness.