Content area teachers were surprised to learn, after testing, that there was a range of grade levels within a single classroom. Three new literacy initiatives were launched school-wide: sustained silent reading; the use of young adult literature in content area classrooms; and the use of alternative texts, such as those found on Internet sites, for various disciplines. Daniel Liston envisions an educational world where teachers and students alike are lured by the wonders and beauty of learning. The students, through literacy activities, came to a better understanding of mathematics as a discipline and are more likely to remember the information they learned because of their engagement. Many teachers go through a "teaching" pattern. They begin to teach one way, become dissatisfied, find a more rewarding and successful way, and write about their experiences and new approaches. Nell Noddings spins out a thought-provoking narrative illustrating the potential a stimulating topic holds for teachers willing to involve students in investigation and inquiry.