Shortly after Aly Pasha had left that city where we were, the Turk from Algiers who favoured us went to Mecca, and so we were left in great need without having anyone to speak on our behalf, and they only rarely let us leave the prison, on a few occasions when we went to a garden next to the city wall that the Portuguese were tending. Something very noteworthy happened to Father Antonio Monserrate there, as some Turks who saw it claim: <[f. 347v/336v]> while he was in prayer under {[f. 393v]} some very tall trees, he rose up in the air to their height, at which the Turks who were watching from the city wall marvelled greatly, and afterwards they recounted it to everyone, saying that it could only be that that man was a great friend of God. When the Portuguese heard this, they mentioned it once to the father, when I was present, at which he laughed and replied, ‘I do not know what was wrong with the Turks’ eyes, because I cannot even climb trees, let alone rise in the air.’