After Emperor Seltân Çaguêd gained victory over Iacob, as he was coming to Cogâ, which at the time was the emperor’s court, {[f. 481v]} Fathers Antonio Fernandez and Lourenço Romano travelled out two days’ journey to visit him. He received them with great honour and displays of love, thanking them very much for the visit. After talking to them for a good while, he dismissed them saying that when he was in the city they should return and they would talk at leisure, for on the road he did not have time to do so. When they went to their tent, he commanded that they be taken five cows to eat and other things and, before supper, he asked his steward if he had given what he had commanded for the fathers’ supper. He replied that he had sent everything, except for wine, which had already been shared among the captains and all that was left was what was needed for his own table, and he had not sent for more because the place from which they could fetch it was a very long way away. ‘Then send the fathers what you have straight away’, he said, ‘and give me water, because it is not right that you should make a mistake like that.’ The steward therefore shared what he had with the fathers. From there they accompanied him until they were near the court, and while he encamped in sight of it on a large plain, the fathers went on to a Portuguese settlement, which is called Gambeloâ, to perform the offices for Holy Week there, as it was already beginning.