Three main concepts in Norma Haan's interactional theory are moral balance, moral dialogue, and moral levels. Research on children's moral development has been conducted in a variety of physical activity settings, including youth sport, summer activity camps, and physical education. Instructional interventions based on a combination of social learning and structural developmental strategies have effectively enhanced the moral reasoning and behaviors of students in movement settings. Like social learning strategies, structural developmental strategies alone have also proven effective in enhancing students' moral development. Enhancing student moral development is a common but often elusive goal in physical education programs. According to social learning theory, people learn prosocial behaviors, one aspect of moral development, via modeling and reinforcement by significant others and social comparison. Coping processes are more mature moral reasoning capabilities such as being empathetic, being able to suppress one's primitive impulses and instead display socially acceptable behavior, and conducting a logical and accurate analysis of a situation.