This chapter shows how the therapist weaves the ecological field within, between, and across the four stages. STAGE ONE consists of seclusion, silence, and rest in a contained place. In the first stage, meals are simple and nutritious, and delivered by trained attendants. Psychologists and physicians under supervision at Classic Morita Therapy Centre deliver meals and take descriptive notes on what they observe in clients from moment they enter room through to departure. Case formulation and observation criteria developed by Kondo at his former clinic inform practice and professional training at Classic Morita Centre. STAGE TWO consists of light repetitive work wherein client is encouraged to go out of doors. STAGE THREE consists of labour-intensive work and descriptive diary writing, art projects, and communal meal preparation. STAGE FOUR focuses on social cooperation and spans five to seven days. The evolving stages of therapy offer gentle system for treating people who have survived cruelty and trauma.