While there certainly are pro-choice supporters who take a dismissive attitude against fetal life, there are many feminist pro-choice advocates who do not. In Japan, women who procure abortions sometimes take part in a Buddhist-themed mizuko kuyo ritual, a memorial rite for either miscarried or aborted fetuses, or stillborn infants. It should be emphasized that the fact that some women have moral difficulties when obtaining an abortion does not mean all women does. There is evidence that the abortion experience is often regarded favorably by women. Disposing of a cell phone when it no longer meets your needs or desires is a very different kind of action than disposing of a child if she becomes too difficult to parent. In 1983, Sheila Hodgers died an excruciating death in Ireland after being denied cancer treatment because she was pregnant and the Catholic hospital where she was being treated refused to engage in any action that could harm her fetus.