Quitting is an especially important dilemma in information technology (IT), where turnover rates are high compared to other occupations. Personal narratives and autoethnographies help fill this gap by incorporating the evocative, and poignant qualities of life, connecting our lived experiences with the lives of others. This chapter offers a narrative approach to interrogate the Exit-Voice-Loyalty-Neglect (EVLN), the psychological contract, and how organizational scholars conflate various issues in their research. The EVLN is a framework for job dissatisfaction research, outlining four options for dissatisfied employees. The skepticism regarding exit interviews is not unfounded. While there is good reason for examining why employees quit from a communicative perspective, many studies use the psychological contract as their basis. One of the powerful qualities of communication is how people confirm or disconfirm other individuals. Occupational identity and status "is not given or determined but is rather a precarious, contested formation constantly negotiated through discursive activity".