This chapter reviews the principles of operation of conventional analog electronic chains for x-ray and gamma-ray semiconductor detectors, with special emphasis on the benefits of the digital approach. Digital Pulse-Processing (DPP) systems based on direct digitizing and processing of detector signals, lead to better results than the traditional analog pulse-processing electronics in terms of stability, flexibility, reproducibility, energy resolution, throughput, and dead time. The element is the charge-sensitive preamplifier, which provides the interface between the detector and the following pulse-processing electronics. The chapter provides the characteristics and performance of a new realtime DPP system for x- and gamma-ray semiconductor detectors. The system is based on a modified version of a commercial digitizer that is equipped with a custom DPP firmware, developed by our group, for online pulse shape and height analysis. The chapter highlights the performance of the DPP system, in terms of energy resolution and throughput, coupled to a thin, planar CdTe detector and a coaxial Ge detector.