Contamination-free manufacturing (CFM) means carrying out product manu­ facturing in environments and with processes that do not cause degradation in product performance or manufacturability attributable to contamination inad­ vertently introduced by these environments or processes. Contaminants by this definition are any impurities or undesired materials that degrade product perfor­ mance or reliability or adversely affect manufacturability. “Contamination free” does not necessarily imply immeasurable quantities of any impurities or extra­ neous material on or in the product; it simply signifies that the concentrations of any of these impurities or extraneous materials are below the threshold of product impact. These thresholds will vary with product type; a manufacturing environment and sequence that is contamination free for one product may not be so for a second product, even one seemingly differing from the first by only mi­ nor changes in function, size, or application. Thus CFM is a moving target, the measure of adequacy being the performance and reliability of what is produced.