The stationary distribution of a Markov chain plays an important role in a class of powerful statistical methods collectively named "Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. These methods are used to simulate (i.e., to sample or to draw) arbitrarily complex distributions, enabling one to carry out many difficult statistical inference and learning tasks which would otherwise be mathematically intractable. The theoretical foundation of the MCMC methods is the asymptotic convergence of a Markov chain to its stationary distribution, 7r(s(i)). That is, regardless of the initial distribution, the Markov chain is an asymptotically unbiased draw from r(s(i)). Therefore, in order to sample from an arbitrarily complex distribution, p(s), one can construct a Markov chain, by designing appropriate transition probabilities, aii, so that its stationary distribution is

r(s) = P(s). Three other interesting and useful properties of a Markov chain can be easily derived.

First, the state duration in a Markov chain is an exponential or geometric distribution: