This chapter focuses on secure computing using homomorphic encryption, access control using attribute-based encryption (ABE), and data auditing using provable data possession and proofs of retrievability. It discusses the underlying cryptographic technique and shows how it is used to ensure cloud data security. The chapter presents the state of the art, and homomorphic encryption for secure computation. It explains access control techniques using ABE. Security is an important aspect of cloud computing because much information is sensitive. For example, private clouds are increasingly being used for storing medical records. Shacham Hovav et al. utilized two new economic and efficient homomorphic authenticators. These authenticators are the primary encryption or hashing. They need larger storage requirements on the prover and provide proof of security against impulsive adversaries. Wang Huaimin et al. determined the difficulties and potential security issues of direct extensions for fully dynamic data updates and then constructed a verification scheme that takes these issues into account.