This chapter discusses the principles of mobile cellular telephony. It reviews the equalizer models available. The chapter shows that the adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) equalizer can be suitably adapted for Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) as well. It also discusses the proposed equalizers for Nonlinear Time-Variant (NLTV) channels. The modeling of UWB channels based on the Channel Covariance Matrix is undertaken. The chapter describes a generic framework for the ANFIS, compensatory neuro-fuzzy filter and fuzzy adaptive filter based adaptive equalizers. It also shows that all the three can be brought under variants of RBF neural networks. The chapter proposes a new modular approach for equalizers for NLTV channels. The mobile cellular channel can, in general, be modeled as an NLTV with Rayleigh or Ricean fading characteristics. The mobile channel being nonlinear, nonlinear equalizers are more appropriate for them.