The method of transformation of the geometry of projection data can be used for writing an uncomplicated code for exact reconstructing the images on the Cartesian lattice N × N, with N being a power of two. The description of one of the codes, which was first written in MATLAB® and then in C+ and used for reconstruction of an image up to the size 2048 × 2048. Each image element has a constant intensity at all its points. The image is generated from the random rectangles in the program. The reconstruction is exact, and the main program required 24 seconds to calculate all projections, i.e., line-integrals w(t), and reconstruct the image. Incomplete 1-D Discrete Paired Transforms (DPTs) were used in calculations. The use of the complete 1-D DPT for all projections required 24.87 seconds. The CPU time is calculated as the average time for one rectangle.