This chapter presents the evolutionary trends in the design of specialty fibres for a variety of application-specific applications. It discusses the evolution of fibre-based components for various signal-processing tasks for lightwave communication. The evolution of a short, high-power pulse in a silica core Bragg fibre having 10 bilayers of cladding was designed by modelling it through a matrix method applicable to the LP modes of an optical fibre. Pulse evolution with propagation in the frequency domain was modelled through the solution of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation and taking into consideration higher-order group velocity dispersion (GVD) effects. The chapter demonstrates the generation of a parabolic pulse from a tapered, all-solid Bragg-like chirped microstructured optical fibre of only 2 m length by propagating a Gaussian pulse. It introduces an additional degree of freedom to tailor its nonlinearity and dispersion characteristics.