Decimal division can be considered as the inverse of decimal multiplication in which the dividend, divisor, and quotient correspond to the product, multiplicand, and multiplier, respectively. Decimal division is similar to fixed-point division, except for the digits used in the operation — 0 and 1 for fixed-point; 0 through 9 for decimal. A straightforward method to perform binary-coded decimal (BCD) division is to implement the design using the fixed-point division algorithm and convert the resulting quotient and remainder to BCD. This is a simple process and involves only a few lines of Verilog Hardware Description Language code. Decimal division using the table lookup method is equivalent to the binary search technique used in programming; that is, it searches an ordered table for a particular entry beginning at the middle of the table. The entry is compared to a keyword. Whether an addition or subtraction occurs for the next version of the divisor depends upon the carry-out of the decimal adder/subtractor.