General-purpose digital computers have traditionally been used for image processing, despite the fact that they are not architecturally suited for image data. The serial nature of conventional computers seems to restrict their usefulness as image processors. Morphological operations are the essence of the cellular logic machines, such as Golay logic processor [Golay 1969], Diff3 [Graham and Norgren 1980], PICAP [Kruse 1977], Leitz texture analysis system (TAS) [Klein and Serra 1977], CLIP processor arrays [Duff 1979], cytocomputers [Lougheed and McCubbrey 1980], and Delft image processor (DIP) [Gerritsen and Aardema 1981]. Most of them were optimized for local transformations and are referred to as cellular transformations. However, they have the weakness of input/output bottlenecks, low reliability, and dif cult programming.