This chapter proposes a new cell-based construction simulation method using the Cell-Discrete EVent system Specification (DEVS) simulation methodology, which allows the consideration of the spatial constraints of a site and to perform a sensitivity analysis with different site layout patterns. It investigates the applicability of the cell-based simulation approach in construction. The chapter presents the work which proposed a cell-based construction simulation method using the Cell-DEVS technique. It shows procedure of cell-based simulation. It consists of three phases: Preprocessing, Main-processing, and Postprocessing. Preprocessing focuses on model building. Main-processing focuses on deciding site layout patterns and resource combinations, and running the simulation. Postprocessing includes analyzing, verifying and validating, as well as visualizing the simulation results. Therefore, construction simulation models should be built in a way that the space can be represented explicitly, which makes the model more representative of the actual construction environment, resulting in a more realistic simulation.