This chapter describes the details of Simulink implementation of the fuel cell model and controllers as well as related elements. The dynamic fuel cell models and controllers were developed using MATLAB®/Simulink® environment. Simulink is a very powerful tool in modeling and mathematical representation. To implement the nonlinear controller law, the multiplexer and other math functions in the Simulink are used. A filter is used before generating the nonlinear control law, which can remove sudden variations in the anode and cathode flow rates. Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell system composes of four blocks which are anode model, cathode model, fuel cell voltage model, and control block. To integrate the fuel cell system with a secondary energy system, power electronics devices and electrical components such as capacitor, resistor, and reactor are needed. Since the switching devices make the simulation slower, it is easier to have a conversion error due to its high switching frequency over 1 kHz.