Do you already have microbivores sur„ng your bloodstream? As far as we know, they have not yet been invented, just imagined, so probably not. But how could you tell if you did have them? They would be too small to see. When, and if, they are invented, how would you get them? Perhaps you would get a trillion in a small vial, administered by your doctor. How would they be updated to recognize the latest virus or bacteria circling the globe and „lling the headlines? Perhaps with a download similar to updating the virus software on your computer. How would they be removed from your bloodstream, once given a chance to do their job? How have they been tested? Who pays for the treatment? How does the manufacturer insure against failure? How does the organization offering virus and bacteria de„nition updates insure? How are they disposed of or recycled? What laws apply? Who funded development? Who owns the intellectual property? Who set standards for how they should behave-at least so that they are interoperable with surrounding equipment from various manufacturers (“I’m sorry, but your microbivores are incompatible with our microbivore evacuation system.”)?