This chapter introduces algorithms for a multiprimitive and multisensor triangulation environment, which is geared towards taking advantage of the complementary characteristics of spatial data available from the above sensors. The complementary nature of the spectral and spatial data acquired by imaging and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) systems is motivating their integration for a better description of the object space. The chapter outlines several methodologies for true orthophoto generation using LiDAR and photogrammetric data collected over urban areas. Orthophoto production focuses on the elimination of the sensor tilt and terrain relief effects from captured perspective imagery. The devised methodologies are tested and proven to be efficient through experiments with real multisensor data. The developed methodologies should handle multisensor data, while using a wide range of primitives. The general nature of the imaging geometry of line cameras lends itself to straightforward development of multisensor triangulation procedures capable of incorporating frame and line cameras.