This chapter is based on a new global approach that incorporates all the physical contributing phenomena listed into a single model using a mathematical framework based on matrices. It explains scattering caused by small particles that are dispersed in a homogeneous medium. Numerous physical phenomena influence color: the light source, surface reflection, light absorption, light scattering, multiple-internal reflections at the ink–air interface, and the combination of several light-absorbing and light-scattering substances. The physical phenomena involved were described separately by several classical models: Lambert’s law for diffuse light sources, the Fresnel reflection law, Beer’s absorption law, the Saunderson correction for multiple internal reflections, and the Kubelka–Munk model for absorbing and scattering media. By using a global approach, all classical color prediction models were unified within a mathematical framework based on matrices. This matrix framework provides a new insight into color prediction by modeling a reflective surface by three matrices: the Saunderson correction matrix, the Kubelka–Munk matrix, and the light-scattering matrix.