Multi-processor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs) require the integration of heterogeneous components on a single chip. This chapter provides an overview of the performance evaluation methods developed for specific subsystems. It proposes to combine subsystem performance evaluation methods to deal with MPSoC. MPSoC is an emerging community trying to integrate multiple subsystems on a single chip and consequently requiring new methods for performance evaluation. The chapter explains the key characteristics of performance evaluation environments. It discusses the analyzed subsystems, their description models and environments, and the associated performance evaluation tools and methods. The chapter proposes several trends that could guide future research toward building efficient MPSoC performance evaluation environments. Performance evaluation is the process that analyzes the capabilities of a system in a particular context, i.e., a given behavior, a specific load, or a specific set of inputs. Three major axes define existing performance evaluation tools: the subsystem under analysis, the performance model, and the performance evaluation methodology.