In Chapters 2-5 we gave a detailed presentation of the theory of quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computing. The stage is finally set for a proof of the accuracy threshold theorem [2-9]. As pointed out in Chapter 1, this theorem spells out the conditions under which quantum computing can be done reliably using imperfect quantum gates and in the presence of noise. The proof presented in this chapter follows Ref. [6]. Section 6.1 addresses a number of preliminary topics. It explains why a concatenated quantum error correcting code (QECC) should be used to protect the computational data when fault-tolerance is an issue; it states the principal assumptions underlying the threshold calculations presented in Section 6.2; and finally, it closes with a statement of the accuracy threshold theorem. The proof of this theorem is taken up in Section 6.2. For the error model introduced in Section 6.1, the accuracy threshold is calculated for gates in the Clifford group N(Qn), storage registers, and the Toffoli gate. The calculations make explicit use of the recursive structure of a concatenated QECC and the fault-tolerant procedures introduced in Chapter 5. The theorem is proved by showing that all three cases yield non-zero threshold values.