A numerical optimization algorithm based on foraging behavior of honey bees, called artificial bee colony (or ABC), was proposed by Karaboga in [55].

Honey bees collect nectar from vast areas around their hive [2]. Bee colonies have been observed to send bees to collect nectar from flower patches relative to the amount of food available at each patch. Bees communicate with each other at the hive via a dance that informs other bees in the hive as to the direction, distance, and quality rating of food sources [2]. Scout bees are employed in locating patches of flowers, who then return to the hive and inform other bees about the goodness and location of a food source via a waggle dance. The scout returns to the flower patch with follower bees, onlookers. A small number of scouts continue to search for new patches, while bees returning from flower patches continue to communicate the quality of the patch.