The narration of El reino de este mundo shows, in contrast to the ontological assumptions of cultural authenticity, the process of circulation through appropriation, reevaluation, and recontextualization of cultural signifiers, practices, and ideas in a dynamic process that itself transcends the notion of lo real maravilloso. “Lo real maravilloso de America” and El reino de este mundo, are constantly focusing on the becoming of things qualifies them for an attempt to theorize and poetize postcolonial history. Edward Said recognition of the link of nomadic features and postcolonial relations to the idea of exile can be applied to the contrapuntal narrative of El reino de este mundo for an explicatory expansion of its modes of resistance. The chronicle of lo real maravilloso represented in El reino de este mundo is characterized by a double gesture: historiography as the main reference of the narration is converted into a series of mythographies. .