Dionisia’s characterization of the close ties between Blacks and Indigenous people in Talamanca Bribri, an Indigenous territory in Costa Rica, draws attention to a common reality in the Central American Caribbean. However, their intersections remain little studied. Emily, 52 years of age, is the daughter of a Costa Rican Indigenous Boruca mother and an Afro-Colombian father. Growing up with her father in the southern rural region of the Province of Puntarenas, on the Pacific side of Costa Rica, for many years domestic work and farming were more important for her to satisfy her economic needs than to think about her “mixture of Black and Indian.” Whereas Emily foregrounds her Blackness, Dionisia does so with her Indigeneity. Dionisia is a 59-year-old Bribri woman living in the Indigenous territory of Talamanca Bribri, on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica, close to Panama.