For a comprehensive simulation of the behaviour of a rolling tire, the coupling effects between mechanical and thermal field should be considered. Two different ways to model the coupling between these fields will be presented. First, a simulation is chosen, where the steady state of the mechanical and thermal part are computed directly. Therefore, the mechanical part is modeled by a consistent implementation of a finite linear viscoelastic material model, monolithicly coupled with the thermal linear heat equation. The main disadvantage is, that the Jacobian matrix is more complex and only the steady state can be computed. To overcome these difficulties, a sequentially coupled algorithm is presented. The rolling of the tire is computed separately and isothermally by a steady state formulation in 3D. However, to model the evolution of the temperature inside the tire, the thermal equilibrium is computed in the crosssection over time in 2D. In this approach, only in the thermal computation a time step is performed and the updated temperature distribution is then provided for a new mechanical simulation.

In this contribution, the two procedures will be presented and compared to each other for a rolling wheel. For comparison of the two approaches, the stress distribution and temperature evolution are studied and compared at steady state conditions.