Because the Clymer-Barrett Prereading Battery is intended to provide teachers with the information about pupils performance that will serve as a basis for adjusting instruction to the needs of individual pupils, the authors of the battery have included those pupil characteristics, skills, and abilities for measurement and evaluation that are related to success in first grade reading. The Copy-A-Sentence task is included in the Visual-Motor Coordination section of the battery as a result of research conducted by Clymer. Clymer found that this task correlated with word recognition near the end of first grade in the range of.50. Although the rationale and justification for the battery have been drawn from a variety of sources, the investigations by Barrett, Dykstra, and Clymer directly contributed to the conceptualization and eventual development of the battery. Initially, three experimental forms of the Clymer-Barrett Prereading Battery were developed during 1963.