The percentile rank (PR) score allows the teacher to compare the success of a given pupil on Clymer-Barrett Prereading Battery (CBPB) with that of a large, representative sample of beginning first grade pupils. The instructional value of the CBPB may best be determined through its use in a particular system by comparing total scores on the CBPB with eventual success in the local program. Teachers will notice that the CBPB total score can also be converted into a stanine score. The meaning of each stanine can be inferred by comparing it with the equivalent PR’s as given in the table. The stanine may be the preferred score to use when a pupil’s work on CBPB is to be compared with that on another test, also giving stanine scores. Total test scores from CBPB may be used in screening children for admission to first grade, as in the growing number of programs admitting underage, but "ready" children.