Ecological model simply suggests that there are different levels, that is, individual, relationship, community, and societal, which influence suicide and homicide, and thus, by implication, one can address behavior at various levels. Comprehensive approaches target not only the individual but also the factors beyond the individual. One needs to know the blue culture, among many other factors or aspects, to know the officer and his suicide or homicide-suicide. The public typically distinguishes between homicide and suicide. They are seen as fundamentally different. Indeed, even police, professionals, coroners, politicians and the media distinguish between them. The characteristics associated with a person predisposed to victim-precipitated homicide are generally defined with suicidal behavior. The chapter concludes with some general considerations; the complexities of suicide by cop; concepts of intentionality, lethality and perturbation; a definition of; behavioral, verbal, and contextual clues; and then, the issue of intentionality and understanding in the finality of death.