Historic sites archaeology apparently means many things to American archaeologists. Workers have labored in “historic” sites and have assumed that there is general accord on what these sites are and that historic sites archaeology is a commonly understood term. Historic sites archaeology may be defined as archaeology carried out in sites which contain material evidence of non-Indian culture or concerning which there is contemporary non-Indian documentary record. Ventana Cave in southern Arizona is simultaneously a prehistoric and a historic site. Its prehistoric remains, which constitute by far the greater part, illustrate several different phases; its historic remains exemplify a postcontact phase. Unfortunately, invidious distinctions are sometimes made concerning historic sites archaeology. Many archaeological concepts can be rigorously tested in historic sites: type, phase, tradition, focus, horizon, horizon style, component, period, stage, culture, and others. A historic site dug for purposes of preservation, restoration, and presentation to the public can serve quite another purpose in a professional report.