King Hrothgar and the Danes leave Heorot for the night, entrusting the great hall to Beowulf and his men. As the element, Beowulf lays his head on his pillow, remaining awake, withdrawing into himself and allowing his internal fury to grow. After the king and queen and their band of men leave the great hall for the night to find their places to sleep, the word goes out that God has appointed a great warrior to stand up against Grendel, to protect Heorot and the Danish king. Thus Beowulf is recognized as divinely called or divinely inspired to protect. Earlier in the ancient poem, Beowulf and his men leave their weapons at the door of Heorot before they are escorted to meet King Hrothgar. Beowulf is the most powerful among warriors. The words “curiosity and wonder” facilitate dissociation in hypnosis, separating us from the king, from the distractions of our expectations.