"Cop Doc's Guide to Public Safety Complex Trauma Syndrome" is written in response to the need for an advanced, specialized guide for clinicians to operationally define, understand, and responsibly treat complex post-traumatic stress and grief syndromes in the context of the unique varieties of police personality styles. The book continues where Rudofossi's first book, "Working with Traumatized Police Officer Patients", left off. Theory is wed to practice and practice to effective interventions with police officer-patients. The 'how' and 'why' of a clinician's approach is made highly effective by understanding the distinct personality styles of officer-patients. Rudofossi's theoretical approach segues into difficult examples that highlight each officer-patient's eco-ethological field experience of loss in trauma, with a focus on enhancing resilience and motivation to - otherwise left disenfranchised. Thus, this original work expands the ecological-ethological existential analysis of complex PTSD into the context of personality styles, with an emphasis on resilience - without ignoring the pathological aspects of loss that often envelop officer-patient trauma syndromes.

chapter |7 pages


Engaging Public Safety Officers Suffering from Police Complex PTSD Syndromes: An Ecological-Ethological Existential Analysis of the Five Police Personality Styles

part I|69 pages

Foundations: Theory of Police and Public-Safety Complex PTSD

part II|82 pages

Emerging from PPS-CPTSD: Unmasking Five Police Personalities

part III|74 pages

Eco-Ethological Existential Analytic Therapy on the Front Line