The concept of ethno development, sometimes rendered as ethno-development, is now well established in the development studies literature, and though it is not so well known in the field of tourism studies. This chapter focuses on collective and organisational responses to development projects and to the changes which ensue from government and other policy and practical interventions in ethnic tourism and ecotourism, and covers the theme of 'Ethnic Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Ethno development'. It also focuses on ethno development in the context of the Quechua people based on Ganguly's auto-ethnographic record of a trip to Cuzco and Machu Picchu in Peru. The chapter delineates the impacts of tourism in Fond Gens Libre; specifically, it provides a comparative analysis of the community pre- and post-tourism development, and examines the role of tourism in shaping the socio-cultural, economic and environmental landscape.