Indoor air quality refers to the effect, good or bad, of the contents of the air inside a structure on its occupants. This chapter discusses the pervasive but often overlooked problem, including the basics of indoor air quality and the major contaminants that currently contribute to this problem. Moreover, mold and mold remediation, although not new to the workplace, are the new buzzwords gaining the attention of environmental pollution specialists these days. The chapter also briefly discusses exposure to contaminants such as asbestos, silica, lead, and formaldehyde. Building-related illness (BRI) refers to a defined illness with a known causative agent resulting from exposure to the building air. The rapid emergence of indoor air quality problems and associated occupant complaints has given rise to terms to describe illnesses or effects particularly associated buildings. When workers complain of indoor air quality problems, industrial hygienists are called upon to determine if the problem really is an indoor air quality problem.