Nomadic institutions formed the backbone of Mongol Eurasia. The governance of Mongol Eurasia while not centralised, shared certain Mongol characteristics which came from a uniquely Mongol perspective. The combined institutions and infrastructure established by the Mongols across Eurasia, including offices of governors and advisors along with postal stations, caravansarais, a uniform legal code and a personal bodyguard and the place of merchants in Mongol Khanates, lent themselves to the establishment of an interconnected Eurasia with distinctly nomadic and Mongol characteristics. A detailed look at Mongol institutions and administrative frameworks indicates that Mongol Eurasia was organised in a way that encouraged linkages and networks not only between Mongol courts for purposes of political administration, but also for the purposes of engineering economic prosperity. By far the most important consequence of Mongol rule was increased economic activity which was promoted, advanced and secured by the new system in place. In addition, Mongol control generated a host of opportunities for exchanges of peoples, ideas, technologies and culture. The Mongol worldview expressed in this way provides another lens to view and analyse the happenings in Eurasia across the ancient Silk Road.