Drought is a new challenge presenting natural calamities to modern civilized societies. Natural resources are the fundamental treasures of human life and are also the driving force for sustainable development and human civilization. Geographically, the surface land of the world is divided due to climatic and tectonic conditions. Human civilization, urban development, and agricultural cropping patterns are totally dependent on naval communication and water availability. The changing behavior or changing nature of climate and the scarcity of water and increase in temperature is creating annual droughts in different parts of the world. Soil formation and fertility development depend on the water supply and quality of surface and ground water storage. Due to climate change impacts such as droughts, cyclones, floods, and other natural calamities. It has been estimated that the similar characteristics appeared in the tropical and subtropical regions. It has also been indicated that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in regions with absolute water scarcity and about two out of three people in the world could be living under considerations of water and natural resource stress. Therefore the sustainable use of natural resources including water, soil, forest, air, oil, gas, and petroleum in the mining sectors should be considered within terms of drought and other relevant environmental calamities. In such a crucial environmental situation, strategic drought mitigation policies and technological awareness is necessary to protect nature through mitigation and adaptation to drought and to reduce vulnerabilities to other natural calamities. The approaches are probable factors for drought mitigation and natural resources management in the vulnerable areas of the world could be considered as a priority basis environmental issue. Primary evaluation 52indicates that an increased utilization of natural resources could be a threat to future food security and the sustainability of natural resources. The engineering technology setup of natural resources practices guideline is needed within the present drought and environmentally harsh conditions. The innovation of a climate-smart approach and a drought management plan could be practiced globally toward protecting of natural resources from drought damages through capacity buildings.