A questionnaire consisting of several batteries of items measured both the objective and subjective aspects of kinship relationships between the grandparent and the adult grandchild. In order to measure the potential help given an adult grandchild by the grandparent, respondents reported if they wanted to do more, about the same, or less for the adult grandchild. Grandparent need was determined by responses to wanting more, about the same, or less from the adult grandchild. A major element in grandparent-adult grandchild relationships is functional support. Adult grandchildren give both more expressive and instrumental support than they receive from the grandparent. The adult grandchild also gives more expressive than instrumental support. The adult grandchild, by the fact of just being, plus the contact (s)he keeps with his/her grandparent, bolsters the sense of self-worth of the grandparent. Private transfers of money and assets are common forms of support from the grandparent to grandchildren.